Better Gas Mileage

The rising price of gasoline is reducing our buying power and there is little we can do about that. But what we can do is, get more miles out of the gas we buy. Getting better gas mileage & gasoline conservation is our only way out of this dilemma! I have started this Blog to inform people about what they can do to conserve gasoline and the current issues in the petroleum industry that may affect the price of gasoline. Davitte' Lanier, Petroleum Industry Analyst

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Gas & Oil News

Light Crude Oil blew right through the 70's today along with the winds of "Katrina"! The damage reports to refineries in that region won't be available for several days. There have been reports some drilling platforms are adrift in the Gulf and the worst is yet to come. Half of all US Crude Oil enters through The Gulf of Mexico and it will take weeks and in some cases months before systems and production will be back to pre-storm levels. This will cause a vertical move for prices at the bump and the time is approaching for refineries to start building up inventories of heating fuels, another tax on a half broken system.
Markets across the globe have taken a hit due to potential world wide economic slow-down caused by the impact of Katrina!
For the Best Ways to Save Gasoline & Money:
Davitte’ Lanier
Petroleum Industry Analyst


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