Better Gas Mileage

The rising price of gasoline is reducing our buying power and there is little we can do about that. But what we can do is, get more miles out of the gas we buy. Getting better gas mileage & gasoline conservation is our only way out of this dilemma! I have started this Blog to inform people about what they can do to conserve gasoline and the current issues in the petroleum industry that may affect the price of gasoline. Davitte' Lanier, Petroleum Industry Analyst

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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Gas & Oil News

Yesterday I saw (according to AAA Motor Club) the largest One Day increase in the National Average for Regular Unleaded Gasoline that I can recall in resent history! Over night, the average increased $0.028. To the layman, a 2.8-cent difference in the price of one gallon of gasoline doesn't seem like a lot. But, when you take into consideration that the one-day increase is across the board over the entire country you are talking about a huge amount of money! And, for the First time since the AAA Motor Club has been charting Gasoline Prices, the State Average for Unleaded Gasoline is over Two Dollars a Gallon in every single state in the country!
Davitte’ Lanier
Petroleum Industry Analyst


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