Better Gas Mileage

The rising price of gasoline is reducing our buying power and there is little we can do about that. But what we can do is, get more miles out of the gas we buy. Getting better gas mileage & gasoline conservation is our only way out of this dilemma! I have started this Blog to inform people about what they can do to conserve gasoline and the current issues in the petroleum industry that may affect the price of gasoline. Davitte' Lanier, Petroleum Industry Analyst

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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Gas & Oil News

"April Fools Day" is the Jokesters day to shine. But it seems that the EPA has been joking around with the miles per gallon estimates they have been giving us for years! The fact of the matter is when the EPA estimates the miles per gallon numbers on "City Driving" and "Highway Driving"; they leave out some very important facts! They don't tell us the vehicles are warmed up before they do the tests. They don't tell us the tests are done in a completely controlled environment in doors. The tests don't take into account real driving conditions like; being stuck in a traffic jam with the motor running and you are going no where, waiting for a light, waiting for a train, driving in the rain or snow storm, circling around in a parking lot looking for a place to park, or how about those really cold mornings when you have to warm up your car before you can get going. Well it looks like the joke is on the EPA now. Congress is making them do a rethink on how they calculate miles per gallon estimates. But they always did tell us, "your actual mileage may very".
Davitte’ Lanier
Petroleum Industry Analyst

NEW: Bill calls for updated testing on vehicle gas mileage:

US Consumers Can't Trust Mileage Estimates:


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